Solid Wood Panel

Maple -Drying



Product Name:Maple -Drying

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Product details:Maple is a genus of aceraceae and also known as aceraceae, has more than 150 species worldwide, and is widely distributed and produced in North America, Europe, northern Africa, eastern and central Asia. According to the hardness, maple wood is divided into two categories, one is hard maple, also known as white maple and black lotus, and the other is soft maple, also known as red maple, silver aceraceae and so on.

Main uses: Maple is not only a miracle in the natural landscape, but also a good material for architectural decoration. As its color is harmonized and unified, it is often used in the production of fine wood furniture and high-grade furniture and also widely applied in the interlayers of cork glued panels, wood shovels and paper industry, and other uses include: Veneer, wooden structure frame, lamps, drawer side panels, interior construction, furniture in set, tables, cabinets, wall coverings and turning products.